ADT Medical Alert System

ADT Medical Alert System: Your Lifeline to Safety!

Welcome to ADT Medical Alert System, your trusted partner in ensuring the safety and well-being of you and your loved ones. Our state-of-the-art system offers round-the-clock protection, providing peace of mind when it matters most. With easy-to-use wearable devices and a 24/7 monitoring team, help is just a button press away, whether it's a medical emergency, a fall, or simply a need for reassurance. Our advanced technology ensures rapid response times, connecting you with trained professionals who can dispatch assistance quickly. Join the millions who rely on ADT security systems for dependable and responsive medical alert services. Your safety is our priority.

What is the ADT Medical Alert System?

The ADT Medical Alert System is a comprehensive safety solution designed to assist individuals, particularly seniors, in emergencies. It consists of wearable devices equipped with buttons for immediate communication with a 24/7 monitoring center. In case of a medical emergency, fall, or any distressing situation, users can simply press the button to summon professional assistance. ADT's experienced monitoring team ensures rapid response and can dispatch help as needed. This system provides peace of mind for individuals and their families, offering a reliable lifeline for those who may require immediate assistance to enhance their safety and independence at home.

ADT Medical Alert System Plan

ADT Medical Alert Systems

System Type

Monthly Plan Cost

Medical Alert Basic

At-home Landline Alert

$29.99 per month

Medical Alert Plus

At-home Cellular Alert

$37.99 per month


Cellular Mobile Alert

$39.99 per month

Types of ADT Medical Alert System

  1. Medical Alert Basic System

The ADT Medical Alert Basic System is a fundamental safety solution for individuals seeking reliable emergency assistance. It includes a wearable pendant or wristband equipped with an alert button, enabling users to quickly signal for help in case of medical emergencies, falls, or other distressing situations. When the button is pressed, a dedicated monitoring team is alerted 24/7, ensuring swift response and dispatching assistance as needed. This system offers peace of mind and independence for users, allowing them to remain safely at home while having access to immediate aid when required, enhancing their overall security and well-being.

  1. Medical Alert Plus System

The ADT Medical Alert Plus System represents an advanced safety solution, offering comprehensive protection for individuals seeking heightened security. This system includes wearable devices with alert buttons, enabling quick communication with a 24/7 monitoring center in case of medical emergencies, falls, or other urgent situations. Additionally, it integrates features like fall detection technology and GPS tracking, providing even greater assurance for users and their families. The combination of responsive monitoring and advanced capabilities ensures swift assistance and peace of mind, whether at home or on the go. The ADT Medical Alert Plus System is a robust choice for those prioritizing safety and independence.

  1. On-The-Go Medical Alert System

The ADT On-The-Go Medical Alert System is a versatile and portable safety solution for active individuals. This system features a wearable device equipped with an alert button that can be used both at home and when out and about. It connects users to a 24/7 monitoring center, ensuring immediate assistance in cases of medical emergencies or distressing situations, whether at home or away. Additionally, GPS tracking capabilities provide added security by enabling precise location tracking, making it an ideal choice for those who want to maintain their independence while enjoying the peace of mind that comes with reliable emergency response services.

Top Features of ADT Medical Alert System

  1. 24/7 Monitoring and Rapid Response:

At the core of any medical alert system is the monitoring service. ADT’s monitoring centers are staffed with trained professionals who are available 24/7 to answer your calls and dispatch help if needed. When you press your help button or if a fall is detected, an ADT representative will immediately answer your call and assess the situation. They will then dispatch emergency responders or notify your designated contacts, as per your preferences. This prompt response can be crucial in critical situations.

  1. Fall Detection and Automatic Alarms:

Falls are a major concern for seniors and individuals with certain medical conditions. ADT’s Medical Alert Plus and On-The-Go systems offer optional fall detection pendants that can automatically send an emergency signal if a fall is detected. This feature can provide vital help even if you are unable to press the help button yourself.

  1. Variety of System Options and Wearable Devices:

ADT offers a variety of medical alert systems to fit your needs and budget. You can choose from in-home systems that rely on landline or cellular connections, as well as mobile systems that you can wear on the go. ADT offers a variety of wearable devices, including pendants, wristbands, and wall-mounted buttons, so you can choose the option that is most comfortable and convenient for you.

In addition to these top 3 features, ADT Medical Alert systems also offer several other benefits, such as:


In conclusion, the ADT Medical Alert System stands as a dependable and comprehensive solution for individuals seeking enhanced safety and peace of mind. With a range of options to suit various needs, it offers wearable devices equipped with alert buttons, ensuring swift access to a 24/7 monitoring center in times of medical emergencies, falls, or distressing situations. Advanced features like fall detection and GPS tracking further bolster its effectiveness, allowing users to maintain their independence both at home and on the go. With a strong commitment to security and responsive assistance, the ADT Medical Alert System provides a reliable lifeline, ensuring that help is always within reach when it matters most.

Get protected with ADT Medical Alert System Now!


  1. What is the ADT Medical Alert System?

The ADT Medical Alert System is a safety solution designed to provide immediate assistance in emergencies, such as medical issues, falls, or distressing situations.

  1. How does it work?

It includes wearable devices with alert buttons that connect users to a 24/7 monitoring center when pressed. Trained professionals assess the situation and dispatch help as needed.

  1. Are there different plans available?

Yes, ADT offers various plans to cater to different needs, including basic systems and more advanced options with additional features.

  1. Does it work both at home and on the go?

Yes, ADT offers systems that work both at home and outside, ensuring safety in various situations.

  1. Is there fall detection technology?

Some ADT Medical Alert Systems come with fall detection features, automatically alerting the monitoring center if a fall is detected.

  1. What is the response time for emergencies?

ADT is known for its rapid response times, and help is dispatched promptly once an alert is received.

  1. Can family members be notified in emergencies?

Yes, ADT can notify designated family members or caregivers in addition to dispatching professional assistance.

  1. Is the system easy to install and use?

ADT systems are designed for user-friendliness and can typically be set up easily. Users are provided with guidance on how to use them.

  1. Is the system waterproof?

Some ADT devices are waterproof, allowing users to wear them in the shower or bath.

  1. What is the cost of ADT's Medical Alert System?

Pricing varies depending on the chosen plan and features. ADT offers both monthly and annual payment options.